Excellent Film Experience

Recipe for Your Most Excellent Movie Experience


Here is your assignment:

With extreme detail, create a recipe that YOU believe will lead to the most awesome movie experience possible.


Include everything from:

1) the inception of the idea

2) transportation

3) time (day of the movie, month, season, actual time of day, etc.)

4) location (be specific about theatre, theatre number, where you sit in the theatre colour of


5) company (who is with you?)

6) audience (full house or 1/2 full or empty house)

7) wait in line or no line

8) opening night or not

9) temperature in theatre

10) what you will wear

11) food and beverage to etc.

Lastly reveal the movie title you will see ( a link to the trailer of the movie). Post the recipe on your blog. 

Your recipe MUST include image and audio based communication. Be creative and expressive. Describe your experience, explain why it is excellent.